Do you have Iron in your water? Are you noticing red/orange stains and build up in your sinks, tubs & toilets? Are you constantly spending your time and money on cleaning products to clean faucets and shower curtains? Do you feel like your brand-new appliances are already getting ruined or stained?
The problem you are experiencing is likely due to excess iron in your water supply.
Where does Iron come from?
Iron can be the result of corrosion. When Iron is exposed to water and oxygen for extended periods of time, the iron may begin to deteriorate and oxidize causing Rust to appear. If you have iron pipes or casing and they begin to rust, the rust can flake off into your water supply, causing discoloration and taste alterations.
Iron can also make its way to your water supply by seeping through the soil with rain or snow melt.
Iron Presents in Different Forms
You may hear the terms ‘Red Water Iron’ and ‘Clear Water Iron’. Red water Iron is technically referred to as Ferric Iron. Ferric Iron is clear well water that, when exposed to oxygen, develops a reddish, ‘rusty’, color. While Clear water Iron, is also referred to as Ferrous Iron. Ferrous Iron is not visible in water because it is water soluble, dissolves in water.
Is Iron Dangerous in my Water?
Iron in your water can take a toll on your appliances but serious effects on your health are very unlikely. Iron is an essential component for the human body in oxygen transportation, however, excessive iron in water may cause damage to your skin and hair. Once absorbed by your hair you may notice discoloration and brittle or dryness. Iron on your skin may lead to dry skin and wrinkles due to skin cell damage and also clogged pores.
What Effect does Iron have on Well Water?
While iron does not propose any real consequences on your health, your appliances, laundry, dishes and food may be at risk.
One of the most obvious and irritating repercussions of iron is the stains and slime or build up that it creates on your sinks, tubs, laundry, dishes and appliances that is nearly impossible to remove.
Another problem that can occur as a result of iron and /or rust build up is clogged pipes. The iron fragments can accumulate and lead to expensive repairs in your dishwashers, washing machines and other water fed appliances.
Iron can also alter the taste of your food and drinks. If you are experiencing a metallic like taste when water is used in your drinks and/or meals, you likely have Iron in your water.
What do I do about Iron in my Water?
First and foremost, have your well cleaned out. You should have your well cleaned professionally, once every ten years, to remove any build up that may have accumulated from sediment and minerals.
Secondly, get a Water Analysis performed. We offer free basic water analysis to determine what the cause of your poor water condition is. Upon arrival of your results, we will provide you with a recommendation of water treatment applications to correct your water issues.